problems clearing cache file D:\inetpub\webs\bebviadellapiazzait\cache/refTableSQL/14ed25cc0598531dbc60be74e2016ebbproblems clearing cache file D:\inetpub\webs\bebviadellapiazzait\cache/refTableSQL/267ec68c8c7aed7c532264241e14ab6fproblems clearing cache file D:\inetpub\webs\bebviadellapiazzait\cache/refTableSQL/85f9e0f38a08d2fdfc1f9970e0d09f39problems clearing cache file D:\inetpub\webs\bebviadellapiazzait\cache/refTableSQL/bbcb87e5d71ae017a02008caf13c287bproblems clearing cache file D:\inetpub\webs\bebviadellapiazzait\cache/refTableSQL/f16c65c68809d874dea7b8b5e1066e82problems clearing cache file D:\inetpub\webs\bebviadellapiazzait\cache/refTableSQL/f8b765630c55fd68f7f55103c078d2a8
- Error
- JFTP::login: Unable to login
- JFTP::write: Unable to use passive mode
- JFTP::delete: Bad response
- JFTP::delete: Bad response
- JFTP::delete: Bad response
- JFTP::delete: Bad response
- JFTP::delete: Bad response
- JFTP::delete: Bad response
- JFTP::write: Unable to use passive mode
- JFTP::delete: Bad response
- JFTP::delete: Bad response
- JFTP::delete: Bad response
- JFTP::delete: Bad response
- JFTP::delete: Bad response
- JFTP::delete: Bad response
- JFTP::write: Unable to use passive mode
- JFTP::delete: Bad response
- JFTP::delete: Bad response
- JFTP::delete: Bad response
- JFTP::delete: Bad response
- JFTP::delete: Bad response
- JFTP::delete: Bad response
- JFTP::write: Unable to use passive mode
- JFTP::delete: Bad response
- JFTP::delete: Bad response
- JFTP::delete: Bad response
- JFTP::delete: Bad response
- JFTP::delete: Bad response
- JFTP::delete: Bad response
problems clearing cache file D:\inetpub\webs\bebviadellapiazzait\cache/refTableSQL/14ed25cc0598531dbc60be74e2016ebbproblems clearing cache file D:\inetpub\webs\bebviadellapiazzait\cache/refTableSQL/267ec68c8c7aed7c532264241e14ab6fproblems clearing cache file D:\inetpub\webs\bebviadellapiazzait\cache/refTableSQL/85f9e0f38a08d2fdfc1f9970e0d09f39problems clearing cache file D:\inetpub\webs\bebviadellapiazzait\cache/refTableSQL/bbcb87e5d71ae017a02008caf13c287bproblems clearing cache file D:\inetpub\webs\bebviadellapiazzait\cache/refTableSQL/f16c65c68809d874dea7b8b5e1066e82problems clearing cache file D:\inetpub\webs\bebviadellapiazzait\cache/refTableSQL/f8b765630c55fd68f7f55103c078d2a8
The bed and breakfast offers:
- 4 double rooms with 1 with 1 additional bed,
- 2 adjoining rooms with central bathroom,
- 1 double room with cooktop, oven, fridge and fireplace.
The rooms are spacious and comfortable with:
- private bathroom,
- wall hairdryers,
- TV,
- hand made wrought iron beds.
Il Parco Nazionale d'Abruzzo, Lazio e Molise rappresenta una delle rare zone dell'Europa Occidentale dove, nelle vaste foreste di faggio che ammantano i monti o nelle alte praterie rupestri, è ancora possibile imbattersi in animali come l'Orso marsicano, il Camoscio d'Abruzzo, il Lupo, il Cervo, il Capriolo e l'Aquila reale.
excursions and trekking on the Abruzzo Lazio Molise National Park